Welcome to Urban Chillout, we’re transparent.
Your journey to a happier, healthier and more productive workplace starts here. Helping support businesses across London and Manchester adapt to hybrid working, Urban Chillout and our Chillers establish long lasting relationships with our clients to ensure we get to know you and so you get the most out of our partnership.
Our Covid safe experiences are tailored to the individuals specific requests and requirements, ensuring they receive as many benefits from their Urban Chillout experience. After a brief consultation with their designated Chiller, the massage experience will commence. Imagine moment of calm out of your day, in a quiet space, whilst listening to zen music on our Bose noise cancelling headphones.
Urban Chillout offers competitive priced workplace wellbeing programmes, tailored to your company and its employees, reviewed on a regular basis and providing feedback to ensure we are successful in the agreed aims of our partnership.
The demands of work, lifestyle and Covid related uncertainty has resulted in unprecedented levels of stress, tension and physical aches and pains. This has a direct consequence to employee ill health and work-related absences that often lead to a loss in productivity.
Contact us to book your free trial and to learn how Urban Chillout can make your business stand out in your industry.
Investing in progression
With the link between working and stress there is a clear greater demand for more to be done in the workplace.
Working with Urban Chillout will guarantee your employees feel well supported in their workplace and peace of mind of creating a positive thriving working environment as well as improving working conditions and quality of life of employees and employers.
More than Therapists
Our Chillers are recruited on their experience, qualifications and ability to meet our company ethos. The Urban Chillout Team deliver world class techniques from our signature massage, The chillout experience. Professional and friendly, and investing time to get to know our clients.
Revolutionising Partnerships
Formed in 2018, our team has designed a unique approach to revolutionise the massage experience, ensuring your lifestyle remains healthy and balanced.
Our team places emphasis on building professional relationships with clients, venues and brands, which has resulted in Urban Chillout becoming one of the leading solutions to the workplace and modern lifestyles. Our Team is Insured and accredited by the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT).